【サクナヒメ】天穂のサクナヒメ 第11話「赦しの光」について語る海外の俺たち【海外の反応】


出典 ©えーでるわいす/「天穂のサクナヒメ」製作委員会
引用元 4chan https://boards.4chan.org/a/catalog

天穂のサクナヒメ テレビアニメ公式サイトです。2024年7月6日より毎週土曜23:00~テレ東系列ほかにて放送!『天穂のサクナヒメ』に関する最新情報をお届けします。

あらすじ  第11話  「赦しの光」






天穂のサクナヒメ BEST PRICE Switch版
価格:3,012円(税込、送料無料) (2024/9/16時点)

0001.  海外の俺たち 4chan


Let’s start growing rice again 

0002.  海外の俺たち 4chan

I hope the irony is not lost that this is airing while there’s a rice shortage

0003.  海外の俺たち 4chan

if anything. it might inspire people to take up rice farming

0004.  海外の俺たち 4chan

New rice already have been on the shelves for a while. I still have rice I bought before this whole thing since I live alone and don’t cook every day.

0005.  海外の俺たち 4chan






Man, this episode just did not land for me at all. I spent half the time wanting to fastforward it.

Ishimaru and Tauemon’s conversation doesn’t have anywhere near the weight it has in the game, and we completely lose the line where he’s asking why Ishimaru can’t stop acting like he’s still in a war. And, it’s made even worse because of the way they’re shuffling the scenes around.

Just like they had that weird scene of Kokorowa fleeing to her boat just so they can still have her crashing her boat into the bay, they decided to still have the scene of Tauemon asking Sakuna to spare Ishimaru, but they have it happen now after he’s already been killed.

We’ve had nothing at all about Sakuna getting her powers back after the volcano, and even when she fights the Specre there’s nothing about that at all. Similarly, there’s nothing at all about Tama having to sacrifice himself to give her the blade and them managing to avert that, perhaps that’s till to come. But instead we’ve got Sakuna saying “If I can’t beat him, there’s no way I can beat Onizuchi!” followed by her immediately losing without causing any damage, and then followed by her saying “I’m gonna beat Onizuchi!”

This is probably an unpopular opinion but I’ve found that ever since she joined, rather than having her role in the game, Kokorowa’s basically stolen huge chunks of what should be Sakuna’s scenes, while Sakuna’s done very little. Same deal here, Kokorowa explains everything while Sakuna is silent, and a scene that should be Sakuna and Tama is instead Kokorowa. Sakuna goes to fight and achieves nothing and Tauemon is randomly super fast and able to instantly win.

Giving Ishimaru this enormous focus means we’re putting way more focus on the ridiculous morality of “If you kill this crazy murderous bandit… then you’re as bad as him!” which the game seemed to subvert, but the anime plays bone straight. We see Ishimaru murdering women and children and we’re still told we let him go. It’s stupid 

0006.  海外の俺たち 4chan


I think it’s nice that they expanded on Tauemon (who didn’t really feel like he got any sort of closure in the game) and Ishimaru a bit, and the next episode seems to be about the Tama drama anyway.

I agree with the rest of your points though and some of the reshuffling makes no sense at all. 

0007.  海外の俺たち 4chan


And an ongoing complaint is that it really feels like all that matters is Sakuna’s heritage as a War Goddess. We’re told she gets her powers from Rice but the rice harvesting has been downplayed so much recently, and she has the humans doing most of the work… In game it feels like Sakuna’s growing the rice and doing everything, in the anime it feels like they do all the growing and she’s just there to hunt and kill things.

Like we see them planting in rows, on the upper field, and Sakuna’s is the worst of the lot? Really? We’re told here she’s lost her powers because of the Volcano but because the anime has given so much focus to Kokorowa and this episode to Ishimaru and Tauemon we’ve had zero discussion about that, or about how she’s gonna get them back.

0008.  海外の俺たち 4chan

出典 ©えーでるわいす/「天穂のサクナヒメ」製作委員会

0009.  海外の俺たち 4chan

gay bara romance

0047.  海外の俺たち 4chan


Why is Tauemon’s husband a menhera psycho? Lack of rice?

0010.  海外の俺たち 4chan


Suddenly Kurosawa-esque kino.

0012.  海外の俺たち 4chan


Wait, Tauemon was strong this entire time and was just a coward? He one-shot something Sakuna, a goddess and the daughter of the god of war, was struggling with. That’s kind of ridiculous. He could’ve helped so much with the fights against the demons.

0013.  海外の俺たち 4chan

Ishimaru wanted to be killed by Tauemon. He turned off the specter’s evil energy when he saw Tauemon and came back to his senses.

0011.  海外の俺たち 4chan



they kept the hidden chisel
Neat, but I am still miffed that they changed the location to some boring cave instead of the house.

出典 ©えーでるわいす/「天穂のサクナヒメ」製作委員会

0015.  海外の俺たち 4chan


kill this little shit

0014.  海外の俺たち 4chan


we KAMI now

出典 ©えーでるわいす/「天穂のサクナヒメ」製作委員会

0016.  海外の俺たち 4chan


taemon still a useless god

0017.  海外の俺たち 4chan


is this what they call “afterglow”? 

0018.  海外の俺たち 4chan

出典 ©えーでるわいす/「天穂のサクナヒメ」製作委員会

0019.  海外の俺たち 4chan

Kokorowa is only thinking of Sakuna’s soft body.

0020.  海外の俺たち 4chan

Would you waste your precious intelligent thinking of anything less? 

0021.  海外の俺たち 4chan


Kokorowa got wet seeing Sakuna training

出典 ©えーでるわいす/「天穂のサクナヒメ」製作委員会

0022.  海外の俺たち 4chan


I always thought that the Ashigumo, who went to kill Ishimaru and was dead already, was the same as the one who is all buddy buddy with Sakuna and co. Thats the image I got when playing the game at least. But the anime clearly says that the friend Ashigumo wasn’t dead at all. It’s bit confusing to me. 

0023.  海外の俺たち 4chan

It’s nice to finally get confirmation that I was reading that scene wrong.

0024.  海外の俺たち 4chan


Yeah, I think everyone read that scene like that, it’s definitely presented like that in game because we never see those other Ashigumo act like they’ve got physical bodies. It felt like an awesome twist and I liked it.

Still, it does make more sense this way, given it was never mentioned again. Yeah, he’s not dead, that makes sense.

0025.  海外の俺たち 4chan


Sakuna yelling at Tauemon made me so horny

出典 ©えーでるわいす/「天穂のサクナヒメ」製作委員会

0026.  海外の俺たち 4chan

They need to relieve that sexual tension

0027.  海外の俺たち 4chan

出典 ©えーでるわいす/「天穂のサクナヒメ」製作委員会

0028.  海外の俺たち 4chan

he really loves that gun

0029.  海外の俺たち 4chan

but his reload-rabbit betrayed him and became a real rabbit….

0030.  海外の俺たち 4chan

no wonder he killed that rabbit

0031.  海外の俺たち 4chan


“You’re already dead”
pulls this shit
Tauemon MVP

出典 ©えーでるわいす/「天穂のサクナヒメ」製作委員会

0032.  海外の俺たち 4chan


taemon is the god of samurai all along

0033.  海外の俺たち 4chan


the blade isn’t suppose to go that way.. 

0034.  海外の俺たち 4chan

It’s a sakabato

0035.  海外の俺たち 4chan


I can’t believe ohimesama is fucking dead. 

出典 ©えーでるわいす/「天穂のサクナヒメ」製作委員会

0036.  海外の俺たち 4chan

is that a forehead kiss I see? 

0037.  海外の俺たち 4chan

Such a caring embrace. 

0045.  海外の俺たち 4chan


This episode truly was the tale of two couples
Sad yaoi end today, but hopefully a happy yuri end tomorrow 

0046.  海外の俺たち 4chan

I predict that Sakuna and Kokorowa will reign as the queens of the island 

0038.  海外の俺たち 4chan


This episode was not fun or comfy but at least that’s one plot point wrapped up 

0039.  海外の俺たち 4chan


Did Tauemon redeem himself this episode, /a/? 

0040.  海外の俺たち 4chan

he is and will forever be the weakest link out of all the humans 

0041.  海外の俺たち 4chan

What needed redeeming? 

0042.  海外の俺たち 4chan


Another great episode, a lot of key frames of Sakuna’s face seemed better than in previous episodes. Or maybe I’m just imaging it, I don’t know. I don’t remember exactly how the events went down in the game but I still enjoyed the episode. They better not skip the festival part they do before she goes to defeat the big bad. 

0043.  海外の俺たち 4chan


anime already getting close to the end. the final goodbyes will be sad 

0044.  海外の俺たち 4chan

Feels like they still are half-way in the anime.

0048.  海外の俺たち 4chan


what’s left for Sakuna in the next episodes?

0049.  海外の俺たち 4chan

Cleaning up the rice paddies more properly?
Finding the missing piece of Tama.
Holding a harvest festival just before going after final boss? 

 にほんブログ村 アニメブログへ
