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0001. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Why does anime always portray religion in such a biased and negative way? Religion is the reason human civilization has even made it this far.
0002. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Because it is a blight on the human history, present and possibly the future.
0003. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Rather it is flooded with fedora-tipping teenagers who haven’t picked up a history book that wasn’t propaganda in their lives
0004. 海外の俺たち 4chan
history book that wasn’t propaganda
Does not exist.
0005. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Why do you form an opinion on anime as a whole using only shounenshit as an example?
0006. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Why does anime always portray religion in such a biased and negative way?
due to historical circumstances, christianity has been persecuted in japan, and monotheistic religion is incompatible with the syncretic way japanese people approach gods and religious ceremony
Religion is the reason human civilization has even made it this far.
despite its pivotal, varied and often changing historical role, no it’s not. i’m not someone who hates religion, but it’s more of a reflection of humanity and the ways we organize ourselves rather than the driver of the literal survival of humanity.
0007. 海外の俺たち 4chan
more than half of japan’s population is atheist
0008. 海外の俺たち 4chan
but why are they not running wild and killing each other?
0009. 海外の俺たち 4chan
it’s called superior nipponese culture
0010. 海外の俺たち 4chan
I always get confused when I read stuff like this. Do most of them not pray and go to shrines and stuff? Or are people who say this arguing they don’t really believe in what they’re doing and just do it for cultural reasons?
Or is this a “Buddhism is an atheist religion” type argument?
0011. 海外の俺たち 4chan
they also do christmas (which itself was born from pagan traditions repurposed by christians). you don’t need to believe in a religion to participate in that religion’s practices. ultimately what determines whether someone is a part of a religion is if they declare they are, and most japanese declare no religion on surveys.
0012. 海外の俺たち 4chan

0013. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Religion is the reason human civilization has even made it this far
More like despite religion humanity has made it this far
0014. 海外の俺たち 4chan
2カトリック教会が悪役代行。中世ヨーロッパ風の設定で、彼らを悪者にするのは本当に便利。 3 と 4. 本当に存在する狂ったアジアの新時代風のねずみ講のカルト宗教を表してる。サリンガス攻撃を思い出せば分かる。
the jihad
catholic church stand-in, when you have a medieval european setting it’s just very convenient to have them as bad guys
3 and 4
represent crazy asian new-age Ponzi scheme cults that actually exist, look no further than the sarin gas attacks.
0015. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Because religion is archaic. Humans needed religion because society was weak but now that society is stronger, only weak humans need religion.
0016. 海外の俺たち 4chan
organized religion is the biggest cancer on the planet
0017. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Organized religion is great as long as it’s not a cult. One of the best parts of religion was how it brought the whole community together. Look how isolated people are now with nothing to bind them together.
0018. 海外の俺たち 4chan
FMAB isn’t shitting on God but religion, the act of worshipping God. The main theme is that you should do what you can to achieve your own goals as a human. Religion is depicted as something irresponsible and escapist.
Ed’s realization was about his own mortality, not religion. Likewise, Scar killed Bradley not because of a miracle but through his own cumulative efforts.

0019. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Religion is depicted as something irresponsible and escapist.
But if you watched/read FMA this wasn’t solely an attack on religion, but rather just broadly commenting on the danger of blindly putting your trust in something you can’t even scratch the surface of. For a reoccuring example, just look at the Ishvalan genocide. The Amestrian side goes through serious self examination trying to come to terms with the brutal slaughter they’ve participated in, supposedly for their country. But they know it doesn’t sit right with them and want change. Even Ed went from worshipping alchemy to progressively doubting it after attempting human transmutation; followed by other string of events (dog emoge).
Scar killed Bradley not because of a miracle but through his own cumulative efforts.
It took Scar’s efforts, the help of others and luck to take down Bradley. The final killing blow was landed right after Bradley got blinded by the sunlight of an ending eclipse
0020. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Also, forgot to mention that Scar, a man who never let go of his convictions and faith, killing the man who shits on Ishval and their religious faith calls the idea that FMA is trashing religion into question. Sure, there’s criticism of it here and there, but I don’t think it overly rejects it.
0021. 海外の俺たち 4chan
to make a very long story short
japan has an allergy against organized religion
this comes way way back in the day, when the buddhists controlled the imperial family. This came to a head when the empress started giving titles to some priest she was fucking. That was the last straw and the provincials set off a revolt, leading to the shogun being the real power and the emperor not getting power again until the 1800s
ever since then any sort of organized religion has been culturally seen with suspicion in japan
fast forward to the 1500s and 1600s christianity came to japan. The japanese shogun eventually turned on the christians and murdered them all, and in this the dutch supplanted the catholics as the only europeans japan would trade with by portraying themselves as good protestants totally different to the evil catholics, and that’s why the japanese started portraying anything with the trappings of catholicism as evil and the trappings of protestantism as good.
fast froward again to the 1800s. the Japanese government needs a national myth to unify the nation. So they wield state shinto-buddhism as that national myth, most shinto “traditions” are codified in this time, and it becomes the death cult that the americans put down in the 1940s.
fast forward again to the 90s and as the japanese economy starts to break down, and cults appear to pray on the japanese. These cults were vaguely christian more often than not
what it comes down to is that japan is a very religious country, they just don’t see themselves as such. They see their cultural practices as just that, cultural, and not as the religious ones they are
so a japanese person will declare themselves as a good christian… and then go and pray at the shinto shrine and buddhist temple during their religious holidays (the japanese REALLY don’t get christianity, but are so syncretic they think they do)
0022. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Japan doesn’t have a good view of Western, Abrahamic religions because within living memory they have mostly operated as parasitic cults within their country. Japanese people rightly detest the Unification church and want it kicked out of their country and this is spilling over to affect how they view other Christian faiths.
0023. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Because 99% of Japs don’t believe in god
0024. 海外の俺たち 4chan
They are anti-cult, not anti-religion.
0025. 海外の俺たち 4chan
でも、彼らはいつも神社に参拝していたり、お守りを作ったり、時にはキャラクターが巫女の衣装を着ていることもありますよね? 私は彼らが宗教を肯定的に描写していると言えると思います!
But they’re always paying visits to shrines, making lucky charms and sometimes having a character wear Miko clothes? I’d say they’re doing a positive portrayal of religion!