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この記事は4chanの/a/ – アニメとマンガ板において2024年11月12日に立ったスレをまとめたものです。


銀河英雄伝説全15巻BOXセット (創元SF文庫) [ 田中芳樹 ]
価格:12,848円(税込、送料無料) (2024/11/14時点)

0001.  海外の俺たち 4chan


what did you think about it? how did you interpret the show’s message regarding authoritarianism, democracy, and terrorism. Is it still relevant today? was reinhart a good person?

0002.  海外の俺たち 4chan

Democracy is bad because you can put evil retards in power so you should submit to authoritarianism because he showd you an idealistic ruler even though every authoritarian in real life is not benevolent and their children will also be evil retards

0003.  海外の俺たち 4chan

i dont think thats the point of the series at all
like it says

In every time, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
i think the point the show is making is that the moral character of the leadership is what matters rather than the system itself. Like Yang says, Reinhart is a good ruler and that’s what’s so insidious about his threat to democracy. A good autocrat will be succeeded by more autocrats who are not necessarily good, but a corrupt and broken authoritarian system is a lot scarier than a dysfunctional democracy. it seems like it suggests that there is a cycle between two based on the nature of the heroes in their time. Reinhart dying at the end seems like an intentional not to this point, that one great man can’t hold a system together forever. 

0004.  海外の俺たち 4chan

This, pretty much.
I’d take living in Trunicht’s FPA over the Goldenbaum’s Reich any day of the week, but I would do anything for a man like Reinhard to take control of the world 

0005.  海外の俺たち 4chan

Yang was a democuck that said “Even the worst democracy is more preferable than the best autocracy” and that’s literally retarded and proven wrong within the show.

0006.  海外の俺たち 4chan

that’s literally retarded and proven wrong within the show
It is retarded for him to be that black and white but the show also has the perfect monarch dying of AIDS before he can even rule, so it’s distinctly possible that some crazy retard gets the throne soon and fucks everything up again with no way to stop him. 

0007.  海外の俺たち 4chan

isnt the point that the bad thing about autocracy is the precedent? 

0008.  海外の俺たち 4chan

Pretty sure the bad thing about autocracy is having one cunt in charge and everyone else having to suck it up or get f●●●●d.

0009.  海外の俺たち 4chan

autocracy can be good or bad, democracy is always retarded. 

0010.  海外の俺たち 4chan



democracy allows to get rid of bad people in charge more easily than authoritarianism

all arguments in favor of authoritarianism require you to uncritically believe in official records of “successful” authoritarianis, which all come from times when 90% of mankind lived in extreme poverty anyway

And even today we can have dementia patient as a leader of free world for 3 and half years, with most of people being in denial about it. At least today you can be utterly destroyed in elections for trying to pull such a stunt 

0011.  海外の俺たち 4chan

one of the biggest problem with democracy is that no one in power care about a anthing beyond next elections 

0012.  海外の俺たち 4chan

And autocratic rules care about what? Back in the old days, wealth was in the form of a heavy gold you couldn’t transport easily and required a strong country around it to protect it from other lords.
Modern autocratic rulers don’t have a reason to care. Wealth can be digitalized in significant amounts, so they can flee when their country finally collapses. Putin almost did that when his hot dog salesman tried to topple him

ホットドッグ屋 ワグネル・プリゴジンの事、若いころサンクトペテルブルクの屋台でホットドックを売っていたようです。

0013.  海外の俺たち 4chan

Somehow after Yang died I had a hard time being invested in the story but other than that, it’s genuinely one of the best anime I have ever seen.

0014.  海外の俺たち 4chan



I think the show didn’t have a message about democracy or authoritarianism. It had characters that were ideologues that cared greatly about that stuff. But the author is more interested in other things.
I think the author would try to tell you it also didn’t have a message about terrorism and religion but in this case he’s full of shit and his bias is in the text. Novelfags know what I mean the diatribes are actually toned down in the ova. 

0015.  海外の俺たち 4chan

i am a brain poisoned weeaboo so i dont read that much, is the novel worth reading if you’ve already seen the ova? 

0016.  海外の俺たち 4chan

For the most part the ova is a pretty autistically faithful adaptation by a dedicated fan that was flush with cash money and clout from doing Urusei Yatsura. The ova changes little but glosses a lot, most of what people try to call original scenes in the ova are really just composites of scenes in the novel. The novels also hop around character perspectives more and are waaaaay more out of chronological order due to that.
If you want the tertiary stuff fleshed out and more time inside people’s heads you might like it. The English prose is pretty bad though.

0017.  海外の俺たち 4chan

thanks for the info, its sorta hard to find people that have read novelizations of animes and i appreciate the rec. 

0018.  海外の俺たち 4chan


The narrator literally tells you the show’s message. Repeatedly. It isn’t really much specifically to do with political systems, because we almost never see the political systems.

0019.  海外の俺たち 4chan

There is no “”message”‘

0020.  海外の俺たち 4chan



銀河英雄伝説 Blu-ray BOX スタンダードエディション 1【Blu-ra…
価格:16,368円(税込、送料無料) (2024/11/14時点)

