
綾波レイが横に向いて頬を赤らめている。 雑談

出典 ©カラー ©カラー/Project Eva. ©カラー/EVA製作委員会
引用元 4chan https://boards.4chan.org/a/catalog

0001.  海外の俺たち 4chan


Is Rei a better partner / friend for Shinji? 

0002.  海外の俺たち 4chan

I don’t give a shit about Shinji.
She’s a good partner for me.

0003.  海外の俺たち 4chan

Shinji needs Asuka. 

0004.  海外の俺たち 4chan

Rei is a better mother figure for Shinji

0005.  海外の俺たち 4chan

I thought the point of the show was that nobody in it was made for each other. In the sense that the only person who treated Shinji nice in a genuine way was an extraterrestrial who actually worked towards humanity’s doom, Kaworu. 

0006.  海外の俺たち 4chan

Either Kaworu or a random supportive woman. Simple as that. 

0007.  海外の俺たち 4chan

Well she’s the only standard pairing of his where he doesn’t automatically take the feminine/submissive role. For whatever that’s worth.

0008.  海外の俺たち 4chan

where he doesn’t automatically take the feminine/submissive role.
In the show he totally does though, it’s just not as overt because Rei isn’t directly domineering. He even does the same house husband routine cleaning up her place. (directly contrasted with Toji’s childish bravado in refusing to help) 

0009.  海外の俺たち 4chan

Episode 16 is proof that Shinji is plenty capable of being masculine and taking charge so long as he isn’t constantly stunlocked by traumatic event after traumatic event. If he ever got the chance to build enough confidence through experiences of success he probably could have even shut Asuka down and buckbroke her into being the submissive one. 

0010.  海外の俺たち 4chan

エヴァのマンガは数年前に読んだけど、シンジとレイってただの友達/家族みたいな関係だよな? 昔は、あいつらが最終的にくっつくのかと思ってたんだ。

I only read the manga of Evangelion some years ago, but Shinji and Rei are just friends/family for each other, right? Cause I thought back then that they would end together, or something. 

0011.  海外の俺たち 4chan

何年か前に読んだんだけど、エヴァのヒロインで一番好きな子によって、どんな風にイカれてるかが分かるっていう投稿があったよな。誰か知ってる? アスカが好きだとマゾっぽいとかなんとか。

i remember reading a post years ago that explained wich way you were fucked up depending on what EVA girl you liked the most, anyone knows what im talking about? i think if you liked asuka you were masochistic or some shit 

0012.  海外の俺たち 4chan


Shinji is not in a position, emotionally, to be with any girl. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
I used to regret not asking out the girl I crushed on in high school, but I realize now it would have ended up terrible because I was not in a mental state where I could have been a good boyfriend.

0013.  海外の俺たち 4chan


only character who shows Shinji unconditional love and affection

is actually a Lovecraftian monstrosity that is probably older than the entire human race 

0014.  海外の俺たち 4chan

Anything is better than being stuck with shitsuka.

0015.  海外の俺たち 4chan

You don’t get stuck with Asuka, you commit to her and give yer whatever she wants because she’s an adorable brat.

0016.  海外の俺たち 4chan


0017.  海外の俺たち 4chan

You jannies ban this samefagging schizo before he starts spamm

0018.  海外の俺たち 4chan

 Not the asushinkeke again…
Why you seethe at the sole mention or img of Kensuke?

0019.  海外の俺たち 4chan

spit your shit brothers 

0020.  海外の俺たち 4chan

I like how the moment this retard shows up he instantly kills the thread.

0021.  海外の俺たち 4chan


When I first watched Eva, I liked Asuka a lot more than Rei. I watched it 3 more times after and each time I still liked Asuka a lot but liked Rei and her character arc more every time and now I feel like a fence sitter.

0022.  海外の俺たち 4chan

They both have cute moments 

0023.  海外の俺たち 4chan 

もう30年くらい経つだろ? まだこの話題で盛り上がってるのがすげえよ

hasn’t it been like 30 years? how is this conversation still going strong

0024.  海外の俺たち 4chan

It will go on as long as it has to. 

0025.  海外の俺たち 4chan

Asuka is perfect.


0026.  海外の俺たち 4chan



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