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あらすじ #4 「覆面水着団☆」
0001. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Kivotos’ most wanted criminal.
0002. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Shiroko has done it, she actually robbed a bank.
0003. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Just mentioning her name is enough to make me tremble with fear.
0004. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Nagisa wouldn’t like this.
0005. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Masked Swimsuit Gang are low tier criminals compared to actual threat to society terrorists the Gourmet Research Society and Onsen Development Club
0006. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Masked Swimsuit gang are famous enough that even Arius has heard of them. Faust is one of the most infamous criminals in Kivotos.
0007. 海外の俺たち 4chan
To be fair, stealing from a criminal organization that can and will retaliate is way more hardboiled than terrorizing local diners. The Onsen development club is pretty much an army at this point, yet Kasumi cowers like a baby at the sight of Hina.
0008. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Yeah but its cute when she does
0009. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Anime underplayed sensei telling them to go ahead with the bank robbery, sensei cares more about freedom than morals. He tells students to break the rules proudly as long as they’re sure they need to do it, he’ll take responsibility for it.
Anime cuts Ayane putting on her mask in private when the operation starts to show she’s also one of the gang.
0010. 海外の俺たち 4chan
At this pont is clear that the director is clueless and didn’t research the source properly.
0011. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Imagine getting kidnapped by those terrifying women! So horrible! I would hate that so much!

0012. 海外の俺たち 4chan
What did this shot serve for in terms of storytelling?
0013. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Its important to establish there’s actual students everywhere in the back market and not just millions of furries like there are in every shot of Abydos.
0014. 海外の俺たち 4chan
sensei does nothing and barely talks
episode is 10x better
Really makes you think…
0015. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Aru the only one who did immediately recognize the robbers.
Was she put in charge as a joke? how much of a dork can this woman be?

0016. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Aru is the cutest girl so far, the main girls are boring to watch
0017. 海外の俺たち 4chan
She’s gullible but also a charismatic leader (as she’ll demonstrate later on IIRC).
0018. 海外の俺たち 4chan
When it comes down to it, she’s just kinda stupid but not incompetent. Her group is actually quite strong, but the Abydos girls are downright broken.
0019. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Is that why Kayoko hangs out with them despite being an adult?
0020. 海外の俺たち 4chan
We actually aren’t entirely sure why Kayoko hangs out with them. She does seem to genuine like them now, but we don’t know how they met.
0021. 海外の俺たち 4chan
From Mutsuki we know she was childhood friends with Aru. Haruka is so loyal because apparently Aru saved her from some bullies before, but we don’t know jack shit about Kayoko. There are vague hints that she might have been a part of Gehenna’s Prefect Team at some point but nothing confirmed.
0022. 海外の俺たち 4chan
There are vague hints that she might have been a part of Gehenna’s Prefect Team at some point but nothing confirmed.
There are hints that she was important, not that she was a prefect
0023. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Glad the anime touched on the dark money/gold card issue, though I didn’t remember Nonomi was with Serika for taking the money
0024. 海外の俺たち 4chan
That scene really should have been 90% Hoshino having an issue with the money, because it becomes important later. Nonomi probably shouldn’t have been on the side of taking it since she understands Hoshino’s reasons. Serika I can understand, she works harder than anyone to eliminate the debt, takes on dozens of part time jobs for it. Scene gave Ayame too much relevance.
0025. 海外の俺たち 4chan
I’m never one to complain against more Ayane
Also, interesting how Shiroko deferred back to Hoshino when asked about it
0026. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Shiroko did the same in the game. She knows her place in the pack, Hoshino is the top dog.
0027. 海外の俺たち 4chan
How many seasons will this need in order for the shupogakis to get animated
0028. 海外の俺たち 4chan
It’s… good question.
They appear as minor side characters in chapter 3 of volume 1, but it was released much later, currently is JP-only and talks mostly about backstory of Hoshino. Depending what they will do with it we may get them either soonish, in some kind of Movie/Special/OVA to season 1 that will cover chapter 3 volume 1 or in few fucking years… or never.
0029. 海外の俺たち 4chan
wtf is a shupo?
0030. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Shupo is the written sound steam trains make and gaki means brat, so they are basically calling them train brats.
But shupo-shupo can also be translated as pump-pump aka s●x.
0031. 海外の俺たち 4chan
As the anime goes on it starts to feel more like Blue Archive. Season 2 should be even better.
0032. 海外の俺たち 4chan
There better be more Wakamo and Hasumi.
0033. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Really grown to like the ED. Really feels like they are going for that 80’s feel from it.
0034. 海外の俺たち 4chan
Same, I never skip it.